The PSAT is offered in October to juniors in high school. The scores are used for a variety of scholarship programs including the National Merit Scholarship program and National Hispanic Recognition Program. Some high schools also have their students take the PSAT in 10th grade as practice for the official test in 11th grade.
Most high schools automatically sign their students up to take the PSAT. The PSAT is taken at school during the school day. Your school will provide information to you regarding the date, time, and other test taking details.
Now students can use their test answer results and link them to a Kahn Academy account for free personalized practice for the PSAT and SAT.
Take advantage of this free opportunity!
Because the actual answer results are used from your actual test, you are only working on areas of the PSAT/SAT that you need to work on. No wasting time going over problem types where you are already competent.